The RS200 and RS400 fleets make a welcome return to Parkstone YC for the RS200 Summer Championship and the RS400 Southern Championship.
Both days will count for the RS200 and RS400 Rooster National Tour , the RS200 Sailing Chandlery EaSEA Tour and the RS400 Sailing Chandlery Southern Tour.
Saturday only to count for the West Country Boat Repairs SW Ugly Tour
Weather permitting, the intention is to race one day in the harbour and one in the bay.
The RS200s may have gate starts on one day - great practice for the Nationals!
Saturday night meal (book with entry) and skittles competition!
Registration: None required
Briefing: 1030 Saturday
1st start: 1130, up to 4 races
Saturday Evening
Sailors Supper
Racing for RS400 and RS200 Rooster National Tour and RS200 EaSEA Tour (Sat only to count for RS200 SWUT, but all sailors welcome to race for both days)
1st start: 1030, remainder of races to achieve 7 for the event
Entry fees
By Sunday 8th July | 9th July on | |
Saturday only | £25 | £30 |
Saturday and Sunday | £40 | £50 |
Online entry is via Parkstone YC here
See NoR here for full detail, plus catering, car parking etc